Why Your Website Absolutely Needs SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a way for you to boost your search rankings and make sure your customers can find you online.

If you are a business owner in the digital age, you have probably heard of SEO, but might not quite understand it’s importance or ability.

Today, search engine optimisation is a must-have for businesses of any size, and one of the most effective ways to ensure your business’s online presence can be easily found by your customers.

You may think that SEO isn’t as important as advanced web design or flashy content.

However, what is the value of a beautiful and responsive website if your customers can’t even find it online?

SEO is the Key to Organic Search Visibility

Search Engine Optimisation is an essential part of the modern-day digital marketing strategy that aims to make your website more visible to search engines.

When it comes to improving your website’s search engine results, SEO has always been the most effective way to go.

And by the looks of it, this fact isn’t changing anytime soon.

Google processes over 5.6 billion searches every day (HubSpot), with most people using Google to search for things more than 3 times a day (Moz). That’s a whole lot of potential business.

Through naturally influencing the search results returned for carefully selected words and phrases, SEO increases your websites traffic meaning more people see your business’s offering.

The Importance of Ranking High on Search Results

The reason ranking high on search engine results is so important essentially comes down to your business’s visibility.

If your website isn’t visible for the search engine results surrounding your keywords and phrases, then it is going to be hard for customers to find your business.

Here are some statistics that will help put into perspective the importance of SEO:

  • 93% of all web traffic comes through search engines.
  • For every $1 that a business spends on Google Search and Ads, it makes $8 in profit.
  • 75% of users don’t scroll past the first page of search results.
  • 85% of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase online.
  • 46% of product searches start on Google.
  • Google processes 2 trillion searches a year.

Clearly, ranking highly on Google search results is as important as anything in your digital marketing strategy.

SEO Benefits for Your Website

Additionally, there are many more benefits of SEO that increasing your visibility.

Here are some of them:

  • Increase brand awareness. A proper SEO campaign involves creating quality content onsite and offsite that will help increase your brand awareness and build your reputation among potential customers.
  • Boost site traffic. Good SEO will boost traffic to your site, which can help increase your sales and convert more visitors into customers.
  • Improved user experience. Conversion rate is an important ranking factor in Google search, so a good SEO campaign should have this covered. Improving your site’s user experience can increase your site’s conversion rate and get more people to click ‘buy’.
  • Enjoy long-term benefits. Unlike pay-per-click and social media, SEO is a long game. Its benefits last longer and build up over time. This is why it’s often considered an investment rather than an expense. When you invest in good SEO, you can be confident you’re setting up your website for the long haul.